Regarding the bulk cargo like barite minerals, logistics is an important aspect for export and shipment.

Packaging: The different specifications of the products are in strict accordance with the relevant requirements for packaging, which can be used in most of the mode of transportation and avoid some accidents during transshipping and loading. The package with 50 kg, 1 ton or 1.5 ton woven bag. The woven bag must be twined film, to make sure the barite products could be protected from rain, moisture and sunshine.

Direct customs clearance in the grinding plant: 9X Minerals cooperates with the Xiangzhou County Customs Department, inspection and customs clearance procedures can be done in the factory. That means we can save more time during the delivery period.

Loading: After customs clearance, the barite products can be directly loaded in the grinding plant by truck, the nearest port called Mengshan Port is 15 - 20 kilometers away from our grinding plant. Then the vessels could arrive each Pearl Riven Delta deep-water ports. Of course, the carriage capacity is seasonal, and is influenced by rainfall capacity. During wet period, the capacity is 1200 tons, in dry period, the capacity is 500 - 600 tons.




9X Minerals LLC is an international mining company based in Southwestern China. To provide best and most suitable barite product to meet various clients’requirement is always our mission and responsibility.